During your interaction with our website, we will be collecting some general information about you which may possibly include your email address though opt-ins and subscriptions and cookies for advertisements, database management, marketing, and website development. The third parties who receive this information help us provide a better website experience for you during your visit. If you opt-in to our mailing list through a subscription or submit an online form, your email address and information will run through our email marketing and website service providers in order to better manage our communications with you.

If you make a purchase on our site, your billing information, address, and phone number will be processed through our website and payment providers. Your address and phone number will also be processed through our third-party wholesaler and distributor.

Please know your privacy is important to us. We never sell your information to others, nor do we share your personal information with other third parties outside of the providers and reasons listed above.




All content on this website is our own intellectual property and is protected by copyright laws. All written content is produced in-house by our Embark Travel Store team. Photos used on this site are either photos provided by our merchant wholesalers, taken by our in-house photographers, purchased as stock photos, or used by permission under Creative Commons.

Unless otherwise listed, all products sold on this website did not originate with Embark Travel Store as they were created, manufactured, and distributed from third-party wholesalers. Embark Travel Store serves as an online advertising, marketing, and selling contact point for these products.

Copying anything directly from our website is forbidden. If you wish to reference one of our pages or blog posts, please link to that page. If you would like to quote our material, please contact us for permission or collaboration.

Use of the Embark Travel Store logo or its likeness without express permission is strictly forbidden and is punishable by law.



The information provided in the website content is limited to our own opinions, knowledge, and experience. We are not liable for any errors or omissions and are not responsible for the opinions of others that may be expressed.

The products we sell are not processed through our offices as they are provided, sold by, manufactured, and distributed by outside wholesalers. We are not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of these products. 



This website is operated by Embark Travel Store based in Oklahoma, USA.



This website does provide links to other websites as reference material. We are not responsible for the content or government of their websites.


This website uses cookies for email database management and advertising. We have partnered with several affiliates and will be paid a commission for advertising their products. You do not pay anything more for these advertisements if you purchase these products from our partners. Affiliate links or products will be noted as they appear on this site.



Please note our policies may change at any given time without notice. We will provide any updates on this page as required.